Dealing with a search engine in your ...
Dealing with a search engine in your application: a Solr approach for beginners, com Elaine Naomi Watanabe
- 11/18/2017 at 02:30 p.m.
- Recorded on Nov. 18, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
Introduction to the basic concepts of information retrieval, such as methods for tokenization, removal of stop words and special characters, addition of thesaurus, among others. Presentation of methods to verify the quality of the obtained results. The pros and cons of using Apache Solr, an free alternative solution for Elasticsearch. Integration to Solr through the Sunspot gem, demonstrating how to create indexes, search documents and use spell checking feature.
Elaine Naomi Watanabe: Full-stack developer at Playax, Master’s degree in Computer Science from IME-USP and bachelor in Computer Engineering. Passionate about web development, agile, cloud computing, DevOps, NoSQL and relational database management systems.
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